NOVEMBER 15 & 16 8pm

Sacha Vega

Pele Bauch Performance

Photo credit: Max Branigan

Sacha Vega 

[INSERT EMERGENCY] is an experimental dance work stemming from ongoing provocations of mythologies and megastructures that have taught us how to “move safely.” Engaging with a notion of American Crisis™ on the horizon, the performers ask how dance can enter or avoid the contradictions in embodying preparedness. The work contains poetics, humor, absurdity, and skin contact with the unknown to test its boundaries.

Photo credit: Erik Olsson, edited by Pele Bauch

Pele Bauch Performance

Where does everything come from? Are we all stardust? Pele Bauch in collaboration with Eva Burgess explores these questions with inspiration from the Big Bang as described in the Kumulipo, a Hawaiian genealogical chant from ca. 1690.

Buy ONLINE now: $20

or Purchase at the DOOR: $25