Photo credit:
B3W Performance Group
As part of a trilogy, FORGIVENESS - Part II: Reframing Forgiveness: For Practical Use in Dismantling Systemic Racism, is a devised intermedia performance developed by social impact performing arts organization, B3W Performance Group (B3W). In May 2016, Part I: Forgiving the Personal, presented immediate expressions of forgiveness unraveled alongside consequences of when one cannot forgive. “FORGIVENESS - Part II”, however, digs deeper into the complexities of life experience: through original script, musical composition, movement, and interactive set design, this evening-length work sheds light on issues relating to racial inequality, racism, and oppression.
Founded in 2006, B3W Performance Group (B3W) is a social impact arts organization committed to collaboration, reflecting and revealing the world we live in through community-building workshops and multi-disciplinary performances. B3W believes that art has the power to create change in any community. B3W has performed in the US, England, Greece, and Mexico. In New York City, B3W has been presented by Tribeca Performing Arts Center in New York City, premiering FORGIVENESS - Part I: Forgiving the Personal. A works in progress version of FORGIVENESS - Part II - Reframing Forgiveness: for Practical Use in Dismantling Systemic Racism, was presented at Jamaica Performing Arts Center in February 2020. In addition, B3W has shown works at Henry Street Settlement, Dance New Amsterdam, Dixon Place, BAAD!, the 92nd Street Y, The Irondale Center as part of FLICFest, International Dance Festival NYC, DUMBO Dance Festival, Manhattan Movement Arts Center, and Cool New York Dance Festival.
Commissions: B3W received the Mondo Cane Commission from Dixon Place, premiering Confined in September 2010 with a three-week run.